Thursday, June 23, 2011

How Do You Measure Up?

How do you measure success?

Ok so how do you measure success or failure with any endeavor? There must be some type of system of measurement to determine if what you are doing is actually working. You need a benchmark of accountability to help you reach the end goal. Yes? 

So what are some situations where we measure success or failure?

Losing weight: 
We use a scale to give us a number. Is it going up or going down. We can debate what the scale is actually measuring in another post. You get the point. If it goes up you change your approach. If it goes down, keep doing what you are doing. Simple.

We use tests, quizzes and evaluations to determine if we pass or fail. Have we earned the right to move onto the next grade level? If not, you repeat it until you OWN IT!

Salary, bonuses, and job performance reviews tell us if we are doing more than what is expected, doing bare minimum or are we getting FIRED!

We have blood pressure readings, relative ranges in blood work, pulse rates, and hundreds of other measurements to see if we are normal or abnormal...or at RISK for poor health.

So my question to you is... how do you measure movement and the risks involved with exercise?

  • How in the world can you put your body under the duress of hard exercise without knowing how well it moves? 

  • Have you earned the right to graduate to the next level of movement and workout intensity? 

  • What holds you accountable to passing or failing in the arena of injury prevention and  performance enhancement? 

  • How do you determine if what you are doing is working beyond  just looking better? 

  • How can you determine the baseline?

Success depends on progression.

What is your scoring system? Allow me to suggest one.....


Class dismissed!

Perry Nickelston, DC, FMS, SFMA

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Dr. Craig Liebenson's New DVD Series

5 Favorite Insights from my friend Dr. Craig Liebenson 
This is just a taste of why you MUST order these DVD's today! I learn from a lot of smart people that I respect and admire. Craig is one of them! Invest in yourself. Invest in this DVD. Invest in your clients. They deserve it...and so do you!! 

  1. Rehabilitation is a PROCESS of care: Assess-Correct-Reasses
  2. A big mistake commonly made is to stay too long with manual therapy or non-functional floor exercises. It is best to move on to upright functional training as soon as possible
  3. Reducing painful movements is the first goal  of treatment.  Often the most effective treatment is the one which treats the painless dysfunction.
  4. Pr Janda evaluated lateral stability upright in 2 ways. First, by assessingsingle leg stance balance by looking for excessive lateral pelvic shift. Second, by assessing lateral pelvic sway during gait.
  5. Most treatments for musculoskeletal pain focus on treatment of the SITE of symptoms. By taking a symptomatic approach instead of addressing the SOURCE of pain recurrences are common. (Does this sound like someone you know????)
Click here to listen to my Stop Chasing Pain Podcast with Dr. Liebenson

Thanks Doc for all the great information. You have taught me so much. 

Now all of you it's your turn. Scroll up and click the pre-order link to buy. I will be interviewing Craig about the DVD's soon. Keep you posted!

Visit Dr. Liebenson's Blog to learn even more... BLOG

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Piriformis and Obturator Muscles Connection

I recently posted a short little tidbit of information on my Facebook Fanpage Stop Chasing Pain that said, 'If you always have a tight piriformis muscle, try activating the obturators.'  

Well this little post kicked off a firestorm of questions and comments that prompted me to expand a little more. I will be making a video of this activation protocol and posting it so you can see it in action, but this will be a quick summary of the how and why.

It all comes down to Motor Control Theory. This is based on pioneering work of Vernon Brooks 'The Neural Basis of Motor Control' and it's clinical application by David Weinstock and his NeuroKinetic Therapy. The Motor Control Center located in the cerbellum receives information from the limbic system and then the cerebral cortex before passing the information to the spine.

Your body’s Motor Control Center – the Cerebellum

The cerebellum is like central command controlling every muscle in your body. It is connected to each of your muscles via the somatic nervous system – sort of like control wires. Your cerebellum is where your body stores the information necessary to perform complex movements easily and naturally. 

Sometimes things happen to you that cause your body to protect itself – accidents, pain, and overwork etc. In response to these stimuli, your body creates a new program, or a compensation pattern. These patterns are exactly what your body needs to create in order to protect itself from that trauma. It goes into survival mode. The problem is that your body has no mechanism to let go of the compensation pattern when it is no longer needed Your nervous system has adapted to the dysfunction.

The body has no mechanism to let go of compensation patterns that you no longer need. Long after the trauma has passed, your body continues to over-use the bracing muscles that it relied on during the trauma, and continues to inhibit the muscles that were shut down. This creates a vicious cycle: The inhibited muscles actually start to weaken from lack of use, causing you to use the bracing muscles even more. Eventually, the bracing muscles simply stay tight all the time, lose their ability to fire efficiently, and they hurt. Now you start to CHASE PAIN! And we don't chase pain...we FIX PROBLEMS! 

Pain is where your problem ended up...NOT where it started!

So what we do is very similar to Muscle Activation Techniques where we test the strength of various muscles in relationship to pain. You can stretch and rub that tight muscle all day long, but until you reset the motor program it will not let go. Hence pain always returns.

So for the Piriformis we evaluate antagonistic and synergistic muscles for weakness and then reactivate them. 

Evaluate internal rotators of the hip

Usual Culprits: Gluteus maximus, medius, obturator internus/externus, quadratus lumborum and hamstrings.

Once you find the weakness, you have 30-60 seconds to reset the Control Center via muscle activation. Once we reset and reactivate the obturators the MCC lets go of the piriformis so it can heal. The nervous system wins every time.

The video will show you how I test the obturators....and how I test them is how I activate them in conjunction with releasing the spasm.

You will see what I mean on the all comes down to isolation and positioning. Got ya curious now don't I?? 

****Special Thanks to Jeff Elam, CBW for information referenced in this post. Visit his website for more information about his work.

See ya soon!

Doc P.